Sunday, May 2, 2010

it is close to that time of the year,
where someone seemed to have pushed the fast forward button.
weeks are just flashing past, with nothing much happening in between.
most of the time is spent shuffling between home and school,
a mad rush to finish up reports and assignments,
reading through piles and piles of journal articles,
putting thoughts into words, ideas into action,
squeezing in runs and coffee sessions,
and above all, trying to enjoy my last semester in melbourne.
just some pictures that i took on my iphone from here and there,

sigh, a sure sign that winter is fast approaching.
my secret: the best place in melbourne to have coffee. but first you got to find it.
one of those days in melbourne where we were blessed with gorgeous weather.
managed to capture the last rays of light.

Ta! (means bye in Aussie slang)