swing me away
My foreign friends don't understand my fascination with swings.
Whenever we pass by one, my heart would flutter and sigh,
and i would be inevitably be drawn to them.
this fascination and love sickness stems from the fact that the singapore government had
single handedly eradicated all swings from Singapore, to the point that finding one now is
almost impossible. swings on like an endangered species, on the brink of extinction.
my children most probably will not know what a swing is. which is a huge pity cause it can be a very therapeutic.
i am sure there are trillons of people out there who love sitting on a swing regardless of race or age. The comfortable, soothing motion of going up and down, the light breeze brushes through your hair, feeling the wind lightly caressing your face, your troubles and thoughts a million miles away as you try to go higher and higher.
so go on, take a swing.