Tuesday, June 1, 2010


i seem to have been inflicted with a farting problem?
well they always say that nobody knows your body better than you.
and i feel like i have been farting alot more this past 2 weeks.
i have never really kept count of the amount of methane i let out into the world,
and the only reason why i am noticing it alot more could be attributed to the fact
that i have been spending lots of time in the post grad lounge at school,
meaning public space where there are tons of people,
and i cannot "let it go" as freely as i want.

so i find myself trying to restrain and try to let it out silently.
and it is kind of difficult,
with every fart, i am praying and hoping that there will be 1) no sound 2)no smell
so far so good.

due to my unique predicament,
i went to google for reasons as to why i am farting so much.
And so the following information is what i have gathered from wikipedia:

1) Flatulence is the expulsion through the rectum of a mixture of gases that are byproducts of the digestion process of mammals and other animals
2) The major components of flatulence are: could not believe that methane was such a small component! i assumed that fart was made up mostly methane, considering how they keep going on and on about the methane coming out from cows which is bad for the environment! maybe it is just the cows.
nitrogen- 20-90%
hydrogen- 0-50%
carbon dioxide- 20-30%
3)basically gas can be caused by indigestion of food or due to digestion of certain kind of food/air ingested through the nose or mouth
4) therefore, food such as lentils, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, garlic, dairy products, leeks, turnips, sweet potatoes, oats, wheat, cashews,onions, yeast in bread not only increases flatulence by increases the PUNGENCY of the flatus! (oh man.... my daily diet consist of mostly of oats, broccoli, cauliflower, garlic, diary products!) i just think it is strange that things that are good for health causes you to fart the most! it just does not make sense.
5) in the case of people who are lactose intolerant (which is me), drinking milk (which i do) will actually stimulate the production of these gas.
6) Rice is the only starch that does not cause gas.

And so now i know why. my diet plays a huge part in the production of these gases.
and it amazing how what you eat is what you shit, or rather what you pass out.
i have not decided if i am going to have a change in diet completely (especially when i reckon mine is a pretty healthy one), but i think i am definitely going to cut down my intake on some stuff.

oh did i mention that i just bought broccoli :)