Sunday, August 1, 2010

yes it has been a while.
i have been trying to adjust back to life in singapore,
and of course,
furiously trying to look for a job.

i have not found one, but i have made some foothold into the industry that i am interested in which is good. nothing concrete so far, but i am crossing my fingers and hoping that something will come up soon.

what i am happy about is that Singaporeans are in general very willing to help out unemployed me, which actually took me by surprise.
i thought it was only australians who were open to helping others out,
but singaporeans are a helpful bunch as well.

realised that i have definitely become more impatience.
i used to have no problems waiting 15 mins for the train (in melbourne) but when i got back, i was complaining about waiting for 4 mins for the next train. hahaha. i attribute it to the heat which is really a pain in the ass. the heat and humidity makes me so irritated! argh! hahaha
i have to admit that it is good to be back in the arms of family, friends and affordable food.

clear skies people :)